The above governor in a annual entitled
But the above governor in a annual entitled, ‘War in the Niger Delta A?most alarming option,’ argued that the militants could not be brash like Boko Haram insurgents that had asleep over 20,000 Nigerians in the North-Eastern allotment of the country.Umar?argued that?the Niger Delta militants could?not be said to be terrorists in the complete faculty of the word, admonishing that accessory amercement to any aggressive advantage in that arena would be colossal.Umar said, “I am absolutely abashed by the abrupt accretion in the Niger Delta Arena from above there are some letters of skirmishes amidst our aegis armament and the Niger Delta militants. This is blow afterwards the Admiral was quoted as vowing to accord with the militants as he did to Boko Haram.“All factors considered, the use of aggressive force in an advance to boldness the abiding crisis is not a adequate advantage and acquire to appropriately be discarded.“As a retired general, Mr. Admiral is able-bodied acquainted of the austere and alarming challenges any aggressive will face in its operations in the a lot of difficult and densely animate Niger Delta region.The creeks are so heavily attenuated with oil, alarm them awful inflammable.
It will crop the battlefront of a few top atomic shells to set the accomplished above on fire, constant in the costive accessory blow a allotment of innocent civilians.“It is aswell difficult to see how an armed activity can dedicated our oil and gas assets in the region. Instead, it will aid the annihilative activities of the militants and advance to the complete abeyance of all oil and gas operations in the area”The above governor added, “Besides, the Niger Delta militants cannot be said to be terrorists in the complete faculty of the word. I acquire they are acquiescent to allusive dialogue.“I need? not to admonish the Admiral that? a war in the Niger Delta will be adjoin by a lot of algid Nigerians and the all-embracing affiliation as biased and alone aimed at the ascendancy and bribery of the region’s oil and gas resources.I appropriately adjure you, Mr. President, in the name of all that is good, to abide to analyze peaceful bureau of complete the Niger Delta crisis as aching as you may accretion this. May God complete and adviser you on the aisle of justice.”