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Metro learnt that Segun was bent afore

Fifacoinsok posted @ 2017年2月23日 15:55 in 未分类 , 56 阅读

 Boko Haram accumulation surrendered on Monday, 31?to the Nigerian Army afterwards they came beneath acute blaze from troops.The Arch Aggressive Accessible Admonition Officer, Muhammad Dole, in a anniversary said the terrorists surrendered ?to the?Multinational Collective Task Force.The anniversary said, The firepower of the Multinational Collective Task Force arena troops and collective Air operation during the Operation GAMA AIKI, afflicted a massive alienation of remts of the Boko Haram Terrorists.”Sustained abhorrent operations and blockage of acumen accumulation routes fabricated the terrorists’ locations bottomless as a result, BHT and their families alone their locations and surrendered with their accoutrements to the abutting locations of the arena armament in the operation areas. Abstracts Later


Metro learnt that Segun was bent afore accepting abducted by a aggregation of policemen from the Anti-Robbery Squad of the state, who invaded Ajibawo village, in the Ado-Odo/Ota Bounded Government Area policemen were declared to acquire looted shops in the association afterwards which they descended on the victim. He was said to acquire been taken abroad to the analysis and prevented from seeing accompany and ancestors members.Seven canicule afterwards he was arrested, a affiliate of his ancestors was reportedly declared on the blast that he was asleep and his body deposited in a morgue.A beautician in Ajibawo, Modinat Akinola, said no one knew the acumen for the beforehand which occurred on 14,, abacus that her boutique was a allotment of those looted by the policemen.She said, “On that day, I saw about four policemen about 3pm they came in a bartering bus. Suddenly they started shooting, and everybody fled

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